1 min read
21 Oct

Over 800 Persons living with HIV Aids in Arua City and district are at risk of starvation and failing to adhere to Anti-retroviral treatment after a supporting food aid has come to an end. National Forum of Persons Living with HIV Aids Networks Uganda –NAFOPHANU with support from the Agha Khan Foundation secured over UGX 240 Million from the European Union to provide nutritious food to 1500 Persons living with HIV Aids in Kampala, Arua City and Arua District as a measure to mitigate Covid 19 impact. 

The project phased in three food distribution segments, took effect from March to October this year with Arua district and Arua City registering over 800 beneficiaries. During official closure of the food aid in Arua City on Friday, Stella Kentutsi the Executive Director  NAFOPHANU urged the Persons Living with HIV Aids-PHAs  in Greater Arua not to stop uptake of ARV drugs because of the food aid closure but rather remain productive in their homes to supplement their nutrition needs. 

2022_10_21 - Stella Kentutsi the Executive Director NAFOPHANU.mp3

“Pray for us to get another support in order to support you again” said Kentutsi while handing over the last food items to the PHAs at former Arua Hill Division offices in Arua City. 

2022_10_21 - Voices of PHAs on end of food Aid.mp3

Meanwhile Justine Afuruku, the project coordinator at Agha Khan Foundation said due to the increasing cost of food items, they were forced to end the project a month earlier since the money had run out. He however advised the PHAs in Arua not to be discouraged but do some gardening to supplement their food needs until another opportunity for support is secured. 

2022_10_21 - Justine Afuruku, the project coordinator at Agha Khan Foundation.mp3

However some of the Persons Living with HIV Aids in Arua City and Arua District expressed worry of survival after the food aid closed adding that with hard economic times, some of their members could  abandon Arv uptake since it requires adequate food. 

2022_10_21 - Jack Kokole, the Coordinator Arua City Persons Living with HIV Aids.mp3

However Jack Kokole, the Coordinator Arua City Persons Living with HIV Aids said the food aid had helped to bring back life for their members who had little to help themselves with during and after the Covid 19 lockdown. According to Kokole, the assorted food aid comprising Maize Flour, Beans, Milk, and Rice among others helped not only their members but also members of their families and its closure may result into deterioration of their lives as it is a key component in the uptake of ARV drugs. .

STORY BY: FRANCO - Dailywestnile
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