2 min read
02 Jul

The FUFA Ethics and Disciplinary panel has sactioned Lematia Adams Otelul  the mouth piece of  Arua Hill sports club after qouting him for using foul words Fake and Stupidity on a local radio station in Arua city.

Otelul, the public Relations officer (P.R.O)Arua Hill sports Club is in saction after a Renown sports Presenter called him on the Radio to give his analytical opinion about the Leo Elimination from the Zonals on June 27th 2022  and he said the decision were fake and Stupid.

In a phone call interview with Dailywestnile sports room Otelul openly said he used his words clearly with its meaning from the dictionary as Otelul confirmed he never used any abusive word as reported to FUFA for his Saction. 


* Fake: Meaning some thing that is not genuine.

* Stupidity: meaning a behaviour that shows a lack of good sense or judgement.

Otulul father added that Westnile football Association did not take the right decision on Leo FC since the zonals started without verification of players from the opening games in Nyagak zone hence all the teams had licensing problems.

How the letter Reads

We refer to the above-mentioned matter and in particular to the statements you made via an audio
recording wherein you are heard using abusive language towards Wet Nile FUFA officials which
has since circulated all over social media. The comments made appear to be against the FUFA
rules and Regulations in as far as being abusive towards officials and brings the game of football
into disrepute.

In view of the above, we would like to draw your attention to the contents of art.13 of the FUFA
Ethics and Disciplinary Code which provides, “…….Officials and Clubs as well as players shall
at all times act in the best interest of the game and shall not act in any manner which is improper
or brings the game of football into disrepute or use any one, or a combination of, violent
misconduct, serious foul play, threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting words or behaviour,
behaves in unsporting manner or uses sporting events for manifestations of a non-sporting nature.”

Additionally, the Code provides, “Persons bound by this Code shall not use offensive gestures and
language in order to insult someone in any way or to incite others to hatred or violence.”

Furthermore Article 31 of the FUFA Competitions Rules provides that:

 A Participant, player or
official shall at all times act in the best interests of the game and shall not act in any manner which
is improper or brings the game into disrepute or use any one, or a combination of, violent conduct,
serious foul play, threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting words or behaviour. Any participant
in breach of this section, shall be charged and if found in breach shall be liable for disciplinary
actions of a suspension or a ban not exceeding fifteen competition matches or specified period
with or without a fine depending on the discretion of CDP, TOC or appropriate FUFA judicial
In view of the aforementioned situation, The FUFA Ethics and Disciplinary Committee henceforth
opened disciplinary proceedings against you for a possible violation of the above mentioned

The FUFA Competitions Disciplinary Panel has requested Otelul to submit a written statement to Ethics and Disciplinary committee by Monday 4th July 2022 or deliver a response to FUFA house Mengo.

FUFA Ethics and disciplinary committee has stated that failure to response will decide the case using the file in its possessions.

By Chief sports Editor: Senior Geroh 

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